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zmhk 2024-06-04 人已围观

简介intuition_intuition翻译       intuition一直是人们关注的焦点,而它的今日更新更是备受瞩目。今天,我将与大家分享关于intuition的最新动




2.Lidia的《Intuition》 歌词





       Intuition是“光彩明亮的西方调”香氛。不同于一般香水,它没有区别明显的初始味、两头味及基调味。迥异于一般香氛以 三段式来区分香味的变化,Intuition的香氛表现方式,则是以顺畅而一体的香味,呼应女性直觉的瞬间闪现变化,当喷洒使用的同时 ,就有三种香味交错、互动着,以三种理性互动的效果营造经久不变的香味,是融合各种花香与柑桔蜜汁香气的全然女性化香水。

       以神秘的琥珀为创作的中心概念,揉合自我的风格、感官与梦境,中味是以银枫与檀香木混合而成的持久香味;后味则是栀子花、西方 杜鹃、玫瑰、小苍兰等花香味。在调和自然的玻璃瓶内,盛载着由白玫瑰、杜鹃、栀子花及橘子等制成的性感香氛。最能让你经历奇幻绮丽的旅 程。

       如同香味的一气呵成,Intuition的外观瓶身也是以简单的椭圆弧形出现,一体成形宛如河床上冲刷过后的鹅卵石一般,没有 突出的菱角与线条,营造出顺畅的觉得。而镶嵌在瓶身背面的琥珀色水滴,在通明瓶身的衬托下,仿佛传递出温暖和煦的明亮感,简单、素雅而 不哗众取宠。





Lidia的《Intuition》 歌词

       intrinsic 记intr=intro向内,insic=inside(adv 在里面)一内在的;本质的

       intuition 记tuit,tui=protect, 保护教育—不经过保护(教育)得来的,直觉的





       Everybody's been in my face

       Tellin' me I gotta make a change

       All I ever hear day and night is"You better hurry up and get a life"

       I need some direction-'cause the clock is tickin' away

       Then a friend of a friend of mine

       Says I've really been on his mind

       And wants to go out and check out what the feelin's about

       Says we have a deep connection-well it sure is news to me

       And all I can say is

       Intuition tells me how to live my day

       Intuition tells me when to walk away

       Could have turned left

       Could have turned right

       But I ended up here

       Bang in the middle of real life

       Then another one always says-she'd do anything to get ahead

       She doesn't care if she has to scratch and claw to get in the door

       She wants her 15 minutes of fame and 20 would be nice

       But I guess it's her life

       'Cause intuition tells me that I'm doin' fine

       Intuition tells me when to draw the line

       Could have turned left

       Could have turned right

       But I ended up here

       Bang in the middle of real life

       should have turned left

       But I turned right

       And I ended up here

       And I fell alright

       I Feel Alright

       You make it hard for me

       Can't find the real you

       You really think that I can't see

       What it is that you're trying to do












